Submission Guidelines
Welcome to Monash Science Symposium (MSS) 2025! Our theme this year is “Innovating for Tomorrow: Scientific Solutions for a Sustainable Future”. MSS 2025 will feature the following categories:
- Applied Microbiology
- Cell & Molecular Biology
- Green & Sustainable Chemistry
- Environmental & Agricultural Sciences
- Food Science & Technology
- Genomics & Bioinformatics
For full submission guidelines please click the Submission & Format Guidelines button below.
Join our mailing list Register now Submission & Format Guidelines Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Submit abstracts in English via the registration form using the presenting author's email address.
- Each abstract can only be submitted once. Please proofread for spelling, grammar and scientific accuracy before submission; no changes are allowed after the deadline.
- Choose the appropriate topic/field and indicate your preference for presentation type: oral, poster, or either. Acceptance notifications will specify the format.
Abstract Format Guidelines
- Abstract should include title, author names, affiliations, and main text (max. 300 words).
- Title should be capitalized, concise, and informative.
- The presenting author's name should be underlined.
- The abstract should not exceed one page.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
- Posters must be displayed on A1-sized (59.4 cm width x 84.1 cm height) vertical boards provided by the university.
- Vertical orientation.
Oral Presentation Guidelines
- Oral sessions will include live moderation and a Q&A session.
- Presenters are given 10 minutes to present followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.